Our Work

BLTA Governance

The BLTA Executive oversees the ongoing work of our Association. Chaired by President Mary Chalmers, the Executive meets monthly, usually at Roseau Valley School. Executive members are elected to their positions and serve one-year terms.

The BLTA Council is the ultimate decision-making body for the Association. The Council meets four times per year and consists of representatives from each Border Land school.

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Association Documents

BLTA operates under the BLTA Constitution (2019). Accompanied by the BLTA By-Laws and BLTA Policy documents, the BLTA Constitution sets out the objects, relationships, and structure of our Association.

BLTA Constitution

BLTA By-Laws

BLTA Policy

Collective Agreement

The primary purpose of the Border Land Teachers’ Association is to negotiate a collective agreement with the Border Land School Division. The current collective agreement expired in June 2018 so we’re currently in negotiations with the Division. The current collective agreement is in force until both parties have passed its replacement.

The 2014-2018 Collective Agreement

Read about Unions

Why Unions Matter

Do unions really matter? It’s a tough question that we need to be able to answer with conviction. Bruce Campbell and Armine Yalnizyan make the case for unions on the basis of human rights and economic prosperity.

CLICK HERE to read

Labour unions in the 21st century?

Unions have been under attack over the last 20 years. In this article, Jordan Brennan makes the point that the ongoing work of labour unions is essential for maintaining the broad-based economic security and quality of life that Canadians enjoy.

CLICK HERE to read

Unions Boost Democracy and Prosperity for All

Lynn Fernandez, Errol Black Chair in Labour Issues, makes this bold claim in her comprehensive essay about how unions have shaped Canadian economics and prosperity.

CLICK HERE to read or download

“Redford has helped accomplish over 200 of its partners’ major conservation goals. They inspire everyone to care for the planet.”

— Quote Source

What We’ve Achieved

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